Michigan’s craft spirits industry


Michigan’s first distilleries opened in the late 1800s, surviving the Prohibition years before essentially dissolving during the mid 20th Century. It’s only been in recent years that the industry has come back to life, with vim and vigor!

Currently, Michigan ranks 3rd nationally for the number of craft distilleries. With nearly 40 statewide, the potential impact of this rapidly-growing industry could contribute upwards of $400 million to the state’s economy.

The craft spirits industry supports countless other industries in Michigan as well. Many distilleries utilize locally-grown grains and fruits for their products, making them an important partner in the $102 billion agricultural industry. Public tasting rooms operating around the state make distilleries a part of the $22 billion Pure Michigan tourism industry – offering a quality, visitor experience while also providing a growing number of jobs.

Today, Michigan distilleries are actively producing award-winning brandy, vodka, rum, gin, whiskey and other unique spirits. You’re invited to sample them yourself, by visiting one of the tasting rooms identified in this directory. And, while you’re out and about traveling the Great Lakes State, be sure to request these locally-crafted spirits at restaurants, bars and retail outlets. It’s through your continued support that these producers are able to follow their passion in creating the finest distilled spirits for you to enjoy!